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  Title Copies
Disc 6: When Religion was Culture; Faith in our Early Courts; Myths of the Judiciary 
Year: 2009 
Series: The American Heritage Series 
Disc 7: Evidence of America's Spiritual Heritage 
Year: 2009 
Series: The American Heritage Series 
Disc 8: Four Centuries of American Education 
Year: 2009 
Series: The American Heritage Series 
Disc 9: Great Black Patriots; From Bondage to the Halls of Congress; The Civil Rights Movement 
Year: 2009 
Series: The American Heritage Series 
Dissection Kit with tray 
Dissection Kit without tray 
Dissection pins (box) 
Don't Make Me Count to Three 
Edition: 39577th 
Year: 2004 
ISBN: 0972304649 
ISBN 13: 9780972304641 
Don't Make Me Count to Three! Six Week Study Guide 
Drive Thru History America: Foundations of Character 
Year: 2006 
ISBN: 1414316119 
ISBN 13: 9781414316116