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  Title Copies
Creation Education Center: How do we Know the Bible is the Inspired Word of God? (booklet) 
What the Bible Says About Child Training 
Year: 1980 
ISBN: 086717000X 
Incredible Creatures That Defy Evolution I 
Year: 2006 
Series: Incredible Creatures 
Creation Education Center: Dinosaurs, Where do they fit in the Bible? (booklet) 
Incredible Creatures That Defy Evolution II 
Year: 2006 
Series: Incredible Creatures 
Incredible Creatures That Defy Evolution III 
Year: 2006 
Series: Incredible Creatures 
Creation Education Center: What About the Big Bang? (booklet) 
Creation Education Center: What Exactly is Carbon-14 Dating? (booklet) 
Starlight and Time: How we can see distant starlight in a young universe 
The Young Age of The Earth