New Arrivals

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  Title Copies
Disc 2: The Faith of Our Founding Fathers 
Year: 2009 
Disc 3: The Ideas That Birthed A Nation; Our Biblical Constitution; Is America a "Christian Nation"? 
Year: 2009 
Disc 4: Church, State, & The Real 1st Amendment 
Year: 2009 
Disc 5: Influence of the Bible in America; How Pastors Shaped our Independence 
Year: 2009 
Disc 6: When Religion was Culture; Faith in our Early Courts; Myths of the Judiciary 
Year: 2009 
Disc 7: Evidence of America's Spiritual Heritage 
Year: 2009 
Disc 8: Four Centuries of American Education 
Year: 2009 
Disc 9: Great Black Patriots; From Bondage to the Halls of Congress; The Civil Rights Movement 
Year: 2009 
Disc 10: The Assault on Judeo-Christian Values; The Duty of a Free Citizen 
Year: 2009 
Creation to Christ: The Old Testament in a Nutshell